The top 10 reasons people embrace minimalism
What hundreds of readers shared about their "why"
When I first found minimalism, it wasn’t because of the trendy capsule wardrobes filling my Pinterest feed or Marie Kondo’s popular Netflix series. It was stress.
The stress of becoming a mom. Losing my father. Sick kiddos, surgeries, and hospital stays—all while trying to juggle working mom life. For a time, life felt impossibly chaotic.
Letting go of unnecessary belongings gave me a sense of control and space to breathe. With fewer items to manage, our home became easier to keep up with. I reclaimed time, energy, and some semblance of peace, which allowed me to focus on what truly mattered during those hard times.
Curious about what draws others to minimalism, I reached out to this community to learn what first sparked their interest in simplifying. The response was overwhelming—in the best way possible. Hundreds (!) of stories poured in from readers of all ages and corners of the world, each sharing unique life experiences and their own minimalist journeys.
While no two answers were the same, a few common threads emerged: stress, finances, and environmental concerns were among the more obvious motivations. But there were also a few surprises I hadn’t considered before.
Here are the top 10 reasons why people are drawn to simplify and embrace a more minimalist life:
1. Stress
Unsurprisingly, stress topped the list. Many shared how the chaos of cluttered homes, packed schedules, family obligations, demanding jobs, or the added weight of illness or loss had pushed them to simplify. I’ve been there and can say firsthand that minimalism can be a powerful coping tool. It gives you a sense of control and relief when life feels overwhelming.
2. More time for what matters
Reclaiming time was the second largest driving force behind simplifying. Time is finite, and in today’s world, it’s easy to lose track of where it’s going. Owning less and saying no to things that don’t light you up allows you to reclaim time for the things that truly matter and enhance your life—family, hobbies, self-care, or even just slowing down and being more present.
3. Lighter legacy
The desire to leave less clutter for loved ones is the third most common reason people embrace minimalism. For many, it comes from the emotional experience of sorting through a relative’s belongings and realizing how overwhelming it can be for those left behind. It’s a good reminder of how our choices today can make life easier (or more complicated) for those we love in the future.
4. Manage medical conditions
This was a surprising theme that emerged from the survey—minimalism’s health benefits reach far beyond reducing and managing stress. Many people mentioned that a simpler, more organized environment has proven helpful in managing certain medical conditions, from depression and anxiety to migraines and ADHD.
5. Less to clean and maintain
Another top reason for simplifying? Wanting fewer things to clean and maintain. This one hits home for me. Having fewer things lightens not just your mental load, but also your to-do list. Fewer things mean fewer chores, less upkeep, and more time to enjoy your home, family, and, really, your life.
6. Prioritizing experiences
Many people embrace minimalism as a way to prioritize experiences over possessions. By owning less and saying no to things that don’t truly light you up, you free up time, energy, and money for more important experiences—family vacations, creative pursuits, spontaneous adventures, or even simple pleasures like more time spent with friends. Experiences make life worth living, and memories make the best keepsakes.
7. Dislike for clutter
For some, minimalism is the answer to a simple dislike for clutter. Whether it’s rooted in growing up in a cluttered home, feeling overwhelmed by visual chaos (that’s me!), or simply preferring open, airy spaces, a clutter-free environment brings peace, calm, and clarity that few other things can match.
8. Environmental concerns
Many folks are first drawn to minimalism for environmental reasons. It makes sense—shopping less, wasting less, and being intentional about what you buy can greatly reduce your environmental footprint. It’s a good reminder that living with less benefits not just us but the planet, too.
9. Finances
Simplifying is a great way to save money and feel more in control of your finances—which is why it’s one of the top reasons people turn to minimalism. By prioritizing needs over wants and focusing on what’s truly essential, you can spend less, stress less, and put your money toward things that will last and bring you joy.
10. Motherhood
Motherhood wasn’t initially on my radar as a reason for minimizing, but it absolutely belongs here. Many moms shared how the demands of parenting inspired them to simplify and how having less brings more ease to busy family life. I couldn’t agree more! Our kids’ early health struggles were what first pushed me toward minimalism, but even now, the demands of motherhood remain one of my biggest motivators to keep things simple.
These reasons are just the beginning, and I’d love to hear yours! What first inspired you to simplify? Was it one of these or something entirely different? Share your “minimalism why” in the comments—I can’t wait to read them!
Up next: A simple way to start decluttering + details on our first simplifying session!
I love this post! I can related to all 10 of the reasons but the one that sticks out the most is what we will leave behind when we are gone. Over the Christmas break I helped our elderly neighbour get his house ready to sell. He was moving into a long-term care and could only take so much with him. The process was overwhelmingly sad to watch most of his possessions (and there was a two-storey house full of them) go to the thrift store or the dump. Having less for my child to deal with when I am gone is a major motivator for me to continue towards a minimalistic lifestyle.
Great post and really interesting. I tick the box for all those reasons xx