Here we are, December 21st. The kids have scoured the toy catalogs, made their lists, checked them twice (or thrice!), and sent their letters off to Santa with unwavering certainty about what they want for Christmas.
If you’re a parent, you know that your little ones’ wish lists can be equal parts endearing and… completely unhinged. One Christmas, our youngest requested a real-life robot. This year? A dog and a guinea pig.
As much as we adore our kids, balancing their dreams with real-life budgets and boundaries is no small feat.
Do we give our kids toys? Yes, occasionally, when they feel like a good fit. Do disappointed faces still make an appearance on Christmas morning? Of course! But as we've simplified the season, we've realized that too many gifts can be overwhelming, and the ones that are most loved or remembered don't always get the biggest reaction.
Today, I want to give you a behind-the-scenes look at what our kids have on their Christmas lists and what they’re actually getting to share how we balance their grandest wishes with our desire to keep things simple, meaningful, and aligned with what feels right for us.
Here’s how we’re bridging the gap between their wildest Christmas wishes and what’s going under our tree this year.
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